Indoor Range Training Target Shooting Sports

2024 in Review

So a successful but event-filled year.

We have had new participants attend the training sessions, and they successfully completed their NSRA Youth Proficiency Scheme course coming away with “Marksman” and “Expert Shot” badges. We also had young people compete in both the Camelot Spring and Winter Competitions as well as the British Shooting Schools competition. Everyone received medals in the Camelot competition and we saw significant improvements.

Due to changes within the NSRA which saw the loss of the Lord Roberts Centre in Bisley for the 2024 National Scout Rifle Championships (other disciplines also catered for), due to leasing out the facilities to the Civil Nuclear Constabulary, and ongoing work over the next 2 years to build a new multi-disciplinary range within what remains of the venue, this year the Scouts hosted a postal competition in its place. This was incredibly successful with over 670 entries, which makes it one of the largest postal competitions in the UK.

As part of the changes, our coach attended a scoring course and spent a weekend in Bisley as part of a team scoring all the targets which had been entered.

Because of work commitments the instructors and coach have had to alternate provision but we still managed to open most training sessions this year.

The year ended with some disruption due to the sudden and unforeseen closure of the range facilities, however, we were able to move to Ashton-under-Lyne Rifle Clubs facilities, albeit on a different night to allow training to continue but without Crossbow and Smallbore.

Our ethos has always been to run the club and training sessions at minimal cost to open up the sport to be as inclusive as possible. The closure of the previous location brings additional financial pressure when sourcing a replacement.

It is not yet known what 2025 will bring in the form of supported disciplines, and the move to the AUL RC range on a different night has already impacted the availability of instructors, but work is ongoing to firm up training sessions.

Looking forward to 2025, and hopefully securing a solution to range availability.

Target Sprint

2021 A year in review

We started the year in yet another lockdown which called time on all training. It also prevented most competitions from starting up again, and even those that did had reduced participation due to travel restrictions and CoViD-19 concerns. Training was also significantly affected by coaches availability being reduced, through work, pregnancy and illness.

This meant most weekend training sessions stopped in the summer, but weekday training sessions continued. Limited competition availability did not stop athletes success though, with medals in Target Sprint and success in the Regional qualifiers for the British Shooting National Schools Air Rifle competition. We also made links with the North West Pentathlon Hub and Laser Run.

2022 still looks uncertain, with many athletes now in college or new jobs after the pandemic with reduced numbers at target sprint training as a result. Coaching changes at our running venue have also created some uncertainty.

However Laser Run has proved popular and 10m air rifle competitions continue. It’s time to rebuild post pandemic and look forward to more competitions and training opportunities.

Indoor Range Training Target Sprint

2020 Review

As with all sports and clubs, this year has presented some significant challenges for AUL TSC, from how to train safely in compliance with legislation and guidance, to the absence of competitions.

We trained on the indoor 200m track at the Manchester Regional Arena during last winter and were just getting ready to head outdoors to the 400m athletic track and target sprint range when UK lockdown happened. The bulk of the competitions were due to occur during this period.

Emerging from lockdown, restrictions by England Athletics reduced our ability to run open sessions for a period, but we managed to interest athletic runners into the sport and could run sessions with the athletic club members.

June saw a change to these restrictions, and our regulars could now attend. One of the positive outcomes of CoVid was the replacement of the regional monthly training sessions with weekly sessions. In fact we managed to run sessions for 20 out of 21 weeks prior to the second national lockdown, despite being in Tier 3 type restrictions since July.

July saw the re-opening of the indoor ranges, and this meant we could restart our weekly indoor range sessions, although sadly the Scouts in the area have not managed to restart, and we miss their smiley faces at taster sessions.

We also affiliated with Tameside sports network, enabling support for our clubs growth, and access to local press.

In total we have run over 50 sessions this year, far more than in previous years despite lockdowns, and have been experimenting with more of the science behind our sports, so it is not all negative.

We now have access to an electronic trainer, and our coaching staff have been productive with their personal development during the year adding athletic qualifications to the mix. We now have an NSRA County coach, a Club Airgun Instructor and several Youth Proficiency Scheme tutors in air rifle and sports crossbow in the team, most of whom are also Target Sprint Leaders.

Looking forward, 2021 still looks challenging, especially with international competitions, but National Governing Bodies and sporting organisations are adapting to enable target sports competitions to continue, with some very positive changes happening. 

We are planning on continuing the momentum with regular training sessions next year with at least one competition. We are broadening our horizons into endurance events looking at longer and more running laps and hope to get back into the indoor track as soon as we are allowed. 

We also have an open invite to a live Biathlon range which we hope to take advantage of in the first half of 2021. 

Merry Christmas and have a great New Year

Target Sprint

Target Sprint Training

An open socially distanced training session will be run at East Cheshire Harriers on 1st August 12:30-14:30. To comply with guidance there will be 1 running and 1 shooting coach, with athletes alternating between the two, and a maximum of 4 people per coach.

Indoor Range Training

We are back

Mossley, England, United Kingdom

Following the latest announcements from the Government, we will be restarting Tuesday night training sessions at Weir Mill Ranges on the 28th July. Coronavirus safety processes will be used to keep everyone safe.

Please bring a mask or face covering and wash your hands on entry and exit!

Target Sprint

A return to training

After a long absence due to lockdown, we are back in training for Target Sprint at East Cheshire Harriers.